Mall of Olympus: A Mythological Musical
Lovewell Phillipsburg, Kansas (in partnership with the Dane G. Hansen Foundation)
June 3rd-June 7th, 2019
The infamous Greek gods of mount Olympus live high and mighty in their cloudy keep, throwing thunderbolts and shade at anyone who questions their omnipotent reign. When a jealous witch casts an ancient curse, the almighty gods are blasted down to earth, stripped of their powers, and doomed to work 9-5 jobs in the various stores of a sleepy American mall. With the help of their human co-workers will the gods be able to retake their throne in the sky? Find out! In, Mall of Olympus: A Mythological Musical.
Written by the students and staff of the June 2019 Phillipsburg, Kansas Lovewell workshop.
Benjamin Bennight, Lauryn Gaddis, Skyler Keller, Ferrin McCoy, Gavin Plante, Alexis Rudd, Dominic Rudd, Kylee Uhland, Brandon Zaffuto
Director/Script Editor- Amber Allgyer; Music Director/Choreographer- Eric Flemons; Intern/Media/Administration- Katie Messerla; Intern- Anna Hahn; Graphic Design (Off Site)- Jamie Cohen; Phillipsburg Administrator On Site- Jim Thompson; Producing Artistic Director (Off Site): Carrie Gilchrist
Watch the Live Stream of this show courtesy of the My Phillips County Online: