Monsters and Myths

Monsters and Myths: A Musical Labyrinth

Lovewell Eslöv, Sweden teen workshop

June 20- July 10. 2022


What drives you – love or fear? Eight strangers find themselves mysteriously trapped on the
grounds of a palatial estate inside an intricate labyrinth with one way in, and seemingly no way
out. They fear something ominous lies in wait for them in the center of the maze, and soon it’s
a race against the clock – will they escape or become the latest victims of a mysterious
monster? On the other side of the estate, a dark prophecy raises more questions than it
answers for a wealthy family with secrets to keep. Who are the real monsters? Will a hero
emerge? Find out in Monsters and Myths: A Musical Labyrinth, inspired by a myth of ancient


Student Writers: Arianna Abril, Saige Becker, Ebba Berggård, Frida Berggård, Elvira Bridger,
Grace Botsford, Liv Boronska Jomaron, Levi Cole, Torsten Edén, Ellie Esquenazi, Morgan Gold,
Dante Göransson, Noah Han, Max Hsu, Alma Jakobsson, Alice Juhlin, Leonardo Lopez, Klara
Maher, Mo Möller, Maddie Musso, Hedvig Olsson, Cassidy Stumer, Lindsay Stumer, Sofia


Staff Writers: Director: Carrie Gilchrist; Assistant Director: Jen Laudia; Music Director: Nils-
Petter Ankarblom; Choreographer: Jesse Carlo; Script Editor: Jamie Johnson; Assistant ScriptEditor/Social Media: Malin Magnusson; Technical Director: Liam Romano; Assistant Technical Director: Liberty Lapayowker; Graphic Design: Tobi Waldron; Administrator: Birgitta Petersson; Interns: Adina Carlinger, Fabian Andersson; Residential Manager: Allison Musso; Producing
Artistic Director: Carrie Gilchrist


Watch Monsters and Myths on our Vimeo page here.