Pleasantville: A not-so-perfect musical
Lovewell Salina, Kansas workshop (in partnership with the Dane G. Hansen Foundation)
Welcome to Pleasantville, MA, the most perfect 1950’s American town with perfect families,
lawns and HOAs. Better Homes & Gardens magazine is coming to town to write a feature on
this perfect town, but will the facade be erased and the people be forced to deal with their
problems? What is perfect? Come find out in “Pleasantville: A Not-so-Perfect Musical”!
Student Writers: Oliver Carter, Abby Geering, Emily Geering, Sherida Johnson, Marcos Lira,
Comet Mitchell, Mara Mondt, Abigail Shephard, Owen White, Ava Wiechman
Staff Writers: Director/Choreographer – Amber Allgyer; Music Director/Script Editor – Eric
Flemons; Intern/Media/Administration – Kaylee Warren; Graphic Design (Off Site) – Tobi
Waldron; Administrators – Lauri Oliver, Shelly Bernstein; Chapter Manager – Jamie Johnson;
Producing Artistic Director (Off Site) – Carrie Gilchrist