STJÄRNORNA LOVAR: en musikal i rymden
Oskarshamn, Sweden Junior (2017)
Synopsis in English:
Far up in space hides a well kept secret; a star station with the purpose of fulfilling the wishes of children. What will happen when the wishes come rushing in at an alarming speed and what do you wish for when you can wish for anything you want?
Synopsis in Swedish:
Högt uppe i rymden finns en väl bevarad hemlighet. En Stjärnstation med uppgift att uppfylla barns önskningar. Vad kommer att hända när önskningarna plötsligt flyger in med en rasande fart och vad önskar man sig när man får önska helt fritt?
Written and composed by the students and staff of the 2017 Sweden Junior Lovewell Workshop in Oskarshamn, Sweden (July 10th, 2017-July 22th, 2017)
Elvira Bridger, Emil Bridger, Kelly Grattidge, Molly Grattidge, Agnes Haraldsson, Maya Hörnberg, Ina Jansson, Moa Kullman, Annika Maher, Klara Maher, Joshua Nathan, Oscar Nathan, Tida Ndire, Ella Nordenstrom, Vendela Rolf.
Lovewell Staff:
Director: Carolin Oredsson; Co-music Directors: Annika Marmén and Sherie Spangler; Choreographer: Marcus Davis; Script Editor: Lisa Bellhammar; Technical Director: Kenny Duecker; Media and Design: Bree Dinsdale; Intern: Olle Nordstrom; On Site Admin: Birgitta Petersson; Dorm Mom: Allison Musso; Sweden Chapter Manager: Jen Laudia; Producing Artistic Director: Carrie Gilchrist
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