TEGAN’S TOYS: A New Musical
Fort Lauderdale, Florida Junior Session One (2015)
Made possible by support from the following: Minto Foundation; Children’s Opportunity Group; Susan and Russell Cameron Funding for this project is provided in part by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners as recommended by the Broward Cultural Council.
It’s the 25th anniversary of Tegan’s Toys and they’ve got everything you could imagine; everything except customers, that is. This shop used to be hottest spot on Summer Street, but with the age of online shopping and video games, what’s a toy store to do? Will the Tegan family take extreme measures to save their store? Come on down and find out at Tegan’s Toys: A New Musical!
Written and composed by the students and staff of the 2015 Lovewell Junior FortLauderdale Session One workshop (June 8th-June 28th, 2015)
Rylee Berger, Grace Botsford, Marissa Caronna, Alexa Deeter, Alyssa Frazier, Kaia Goudreau, Brooke Harrison, Lorelei Herman, Katie Hodes, Aly MacDonald, Gabriela Phillips, Sophie Pineiro, Emmanuel Rawlins, Sophie Roth, Jackie Sinai, Kaylee Slade, Cassidy Stumer, Lindsay Stumer, Sophie Vega, Sofia Wallace, Zahra Willis Cox
Director- Tyler Grimes; Assistant Director- Meagan Nagy; Music Director- Nicolas Aquino; Choreographer- Jonna Hägglund; Script Editor- Ryan Juda; Technical Director- Joseph Rawda; Costumes and Props- Hadley Knapp; Media and Design- Alana Miller; Intern in Arts Administration- Phillip Mendez; Intern in Script- Christina Serrato; Intern in Costumes- Tara Shafa; Administrators- Shelly Bernstein, Lauri Oliver; Producing Artistic Director- Carrie Gilchrist
Watch Tegan’s Toys on Vimeo NOW!