UNDER THE WEATHER: A Musical to Fall For
Fort Lauderdale, Florida Junior Session One (2013)
Way up in the clouds lies the factory where weather is made. The factory runs off of water shipments sent up from land. People on land, unaware of the weather workers up above, are becoming careless with their environment. This causes the qaulity of water being sent up into the clouds to become worse and worse. After a giant oil spill, generated by a selfish oil tycoon, the citizens of Cloud City have had enough- they decide to create a storm and scare the polluters on land. However, the storm backfires, sending members of Cloud City down to earth. They must now find a way back to the clouds. Before that happens, the land and cloud citizens must learn to work together and solve the pollution problem.
Sophia Amador, Rylee Berger, Alex Bluth, Ayodele Corniel, Katie Deter, Tyler Egan, Isabella Fraser, Riley Frost, Lilly Gitlitz, Katie Hodes, Amanda Kopelman, Samantha Morim, Julia Musso, Dylan Olster, Emanuel Rawlins, Sophie Roth-Knigin, Skylar Scorca, Sophie Vega, Lauren Wiecek
* Director: Cassie Spangler * Assistant Director: Gabrielle Groten * Co-Music Director: Jacob Jeffries * Co-Music Director: Andrew Gilbert * Script Editor: Carolin Oredsson * Choreographer: Meagan Nagy * Choreography Intern: Jonathan Tilkin * Media and Design: Cecilia Träff and Alana Miller * Technical Driector: John Henningsen * Costumes/props: Elizabeth Garrard * Administrator: Shelly Bernstein * Assistant Administrator: Lauri Oliver * Producing Artistic Director: Carrie Gilchrist *
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