Hi From Lizzi, Lovewell teen Ft. Lauderdale 2009

Hi From Lizzi, Lovewell teen Ft. Lauderdale 2009

Hey, world! Today was day 2 of brainstorming. For those of you that don’t know, we all sit around in a circle for hours and hours and everyone talks about show ideas, things that interest them, things they’ve seen on the news… some how we come up with a show from all of that. I don’t know how it happens, but it has happened for me 5 times. =) Um… so far we don’t really have any concrete ideas, just a few main themes floating around. Those are secret, though. You’ll have to see the show to find out. *wink* So that’s about it today. Day 2 of talent shows are today, which will be awesome. Looking forward to it!! 


P.S. I get a Mountain Dew from one of the junior counselors. So excited. Yes.

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